Greater Good Health
Seniors, with growing numbers of medical challenges, find they must wait too long for medical appointments with physicians and physician groups. The waits are too long, and the visits too short. Greater Good Health provides a “value-based” healthcare solution for patients and providers. Forge worked with Greater Good Health to build awareness, leads, and trial for a new model of primary care delivered through clinics in the rocky mountain west. Forge developed messaging that clearly defines the value of Greater Good’s Nurse Practitioner model to Seniors, physicians, healthcare organizations and Medicare Advantage providers.
Brand Campaign
Forge developed a new brand concept to resonate with the senior audience of rural Montana. Recommending a local-first approach, Forge built connections with local photographers to most accurately depict the region. Forge reviewed focus group findings and developed a brand concept that resonated with the key takeaways: that seniors want to be heard; that seniors want to age actively; that seniors want to know how Nurse Practitioners improve primary care. The brand platform – the why of the Greater Good Brand – built from its mission, values, promise and positioning, empowers seniors through several resonant thoughts. Greater Good Health is “the Senior Care Seniors Deserve”. They’ve earned it. That “life is greater when your healthcare is” - a direct, positive statement of fact that seniors appreciate. Forge recommended a local-first approach, building connections with local photographers to most accurately and authentically depict the region.

Campaign Landing Page
A strong campaign landing page is critical to the success of any engagement campaign. Our design highlights the “schedule a visit” call to action while also providing ample detail about Greater Good Health. Active aging is depicted here, showcasing the holistic approach that GGH takes to wellness.