American Board
of Telehealth
Telehealth has the ability to improve the delivery of healthcare to vast areas of the world, both remote and urban. The benefits of telehealth are greatly compounded if done right. Enter the American Board of Telehealth, which researched, created, and codified the standards for telehealth, and provides certification in them.
Brand Platform & Identity
The Covid pandemic brought telehealth to the fore. Our job was to educate, and build awareness among, healthcare companies, insurance companies, and physician groups about the value of telehealth standards. To engage them and build leads for ABT’s gold-standard certificate programs. The brand platform we developed – the why of ABT – leaned on ABT’s leadership positioning, mission, values and promise, to help us clearly declare ABT’s unparalleled knowledge and programs. “Better Telehealth Begins Here” is a bold statement that lets everyone know there is only one place to go to learn. We purposely designed ABT’s identity, in a world of medical marketing sameness, with a MARVEL-esque look to make ABT and its practitioners and patients stand out as the true heroes they are.

Website Development
Forge replatformed the ABT website to a new platform – WordPress – for ease of regular updates. Forge then redesigned the site to reflect the look-feel of the new ABT brand including using local imagery to convey warmth, approachability and the real-world value of this remote, “virtual” healthcare model.

Campaign Launch
Forge executed a full-scale paid media campaign which was served across programmatic display, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Video and static ads drove users to the revamped website.