Online video has been the talk of marketers for years, as brands have competed to create the most entertaining and compelling content. Most of this conversation has centered around the Nikes and Budweisers of the world clamoring to develop the next viral video. But the power of video is not limited to sexy consumer products. B2B brands can also capture their audiences with engaging online video.
In just the past few years, appetite for B2B video has exploded. The percentage of B2B buyers and researchers who include video as part of the buying process grew from 29% to 70% in just two years, according to a recent Google and Millward Brown study.
These are not light viewers either. According to the same study, almost half are watching 30 minutes or more of B2B related-videos during the process, and 20% are watching more than an hour. They want meaty video content too, not just general brand or awareness videos. They’re looking to video for a better understanding of a vendor’s offerings—from product features to how-to tutorials.
So B2B buyers and researchers value this stuff, but is it worth the investment? Absolutely. Trading in the white papers and text-based marketing for video pays off handsomely. Videos increase the likelihood of your visitors purchasing your product or service by 64%.
The challenge for B2B videos is developing a story that can keep the viewers attention, even if the video is packed with much denser content and information than the most recent viral hit. At Forge, we’ve helped our B2B clients craft compelling and informative videos that engage B2B audiences through narrative.
Take our recent project for Cisco Intercloud Fabric. It’s a product overview wrapped up in the perfect package of story and visuals:
So next time you’re thinking of creating a B2B marketing plan, ask yourself a question: Would you rather read a whitepaper or watch an engaging video? Chances are, your customers will have the exact same answer.
Forge’s Technology Marketing Group is exclusively focused on building brand and product awareness, conversion-focused campaigns, and sales enablement tools. To learn more about Forge or our Technology Marketing Group, email Jesse Strawbridge.