With the end of summer comes a tinge of regret over how many items on our vacation bucket list we didn’t get too. Or, maybe it’s just our lists were too long to begin with. In any case, we’ve had a jam-packed August, full of babies, competitions, cookouts and more. Let’s take a look, starting with the two biggest news items of the month…
Twinning at Forge
On August 4, our Account Supervisor Sarah Cantley was seeing double when she gave birth to twin girls. Join us in congratulating Sarah and husband Will as they welcome Lucy and Claire to the world.
Making the Brand: 72 hours of Brandathon
As if we didn’t have enough going on in our lives, our creative department decided it would be a good idea to spend 72 hours over a weekend developing a brand for a startup in The Ad Club’s Brandathon event. Ten agency teams were paired off with ten startups and delivered a campaign which was presented live in front of hundreds. And while Forge didn’t win, we are super proud of the work we did for Nomsly, a healthy-lunches-for-kids delivery service. While we can’t share the work just yet, we can send you to their current site where you can get three meals free in your first order. After all, school is just around the corner.
Summer socializing
We could keep going about all the things we did this summer, but our Instagram does a better job of showing it, from an impromptu solar eclipse viewing party to our lobster-and-cornhole-filled Summer outing, and more. Give us a follow if you don’t already and stay up to date on all the latest happenings in and out of the office.
Instagram @forgeworldwide
That’s it for August. HR has blessed us with a four-day weekend this Labor Day and we plan on making the most of the holiday. We hope you do too.